Museums’ Strategic Long Range PlanBy Michele Zerbetz Scott
February 10, 2020
It’s time to update the Museums’ Strategic Long Range Plan and the Ketchikan Museums are requesting help from the community. Here is some history: In 2014, the City Council appointed community members to the re-established Museum Advisory Board. I have served on the Board since this time. The City Council charged the Board to work with Museum staff to develop a strategic long range plan. Over the next year, we worked on this endeavor, completing a 5 year plan in early 2015. The plan includes our mission statement, long range goals in categories of building/infrastructure, collections, community outreach, programs, exhibits, funding and administration, and yearly objectives for each goal. When we developed the plan, we reviewed all the information gathered at prior community meetings where people were asked about their impressions of the museums, what they like and dislike and what their vision for the museums’ future. In looking at the goals and objectives of the Plan, we accomplished a lot of what we set out to do. The major accomplishment was the remodel of the main level of the Tongass Historical Museum, making it more accessible, relevant and functional. Other accomplishments are a number of programs such as Museum Middays, Native Arts Studies Program classes and the beginnings of an oral history program as well as improving safe and secure storage for the collections. Members of the Advisory Board are visiting many organizations in town to ask peoples’ opinions, impressions, thoughts about the museums and how we can improve things. Please take a few minutes and complete the online Survey located at www.KetchikanMuseums.org. Click on the “Strategic Plan Survey” to offer your ideas! Sincerely, Michele Zerbetz Scott
Editor's Note:
Received February 10, 2020 - Published February 10, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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