RE: A National Popular Vote Is Closer Than You ThinkBy Sean Parnell
February 07, 2022
A recent commentary by Matt Mackowiak left out some critical details (“A National Popular Vote Is Closer Than You Think,” January 30), starting with the fact that if Alaska joined the compact, the votes of Alaskans would be largely irrelevant in determining who the state’s three presidential electors vote for. In both 2016 and 2020 Donald Trump was the clear choice of Alaska’s voters, but under the compact it would have been forced to cast its votes for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. It is also wildly optimistic of Mr. Mackowiak to predict that it is “only a matter of time” before the eight states where the compact passed at least one legislative chamber join the compact – in five of the states he refers to the compact either died quickly once the public learned of it or it passed one chamber more than a decade ago, with little interest since in picking it back up. In the other three there is strong bipartisan opposition to the compact. National Popular Vote is a real threat and may one day go into effect, but it’s unlikely to happen soon and certainly not with the states he suggests will join. Alaska’s three presidential electors are the state’s voice in the presidential election process, and readers of SitNews should ignore Mr. Mackowiak’s call to give up that voice. Sean Parnell
Editor's Note:
Received January 31, 2022 - Published January 07, 2022 Related Commentary:
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