by Jerry Cegelske
March 17, 2005
A great big "Thank You" to Boy Scout Troop 4 for cleaning
up the littered section of Tongass South of the Coast Guard Base
to Forest Park. This is traditionally one of the dirtiest
sections of road in the community. They even picked up
the bags of trash they collected and properly disposed of them! They
did great job and it is much appreciated by the people
that drive that section of road- amazing what you don't see now!
Another "Thank You" to the citizens that called the Troopers when
they observed a truck carrying trash south on Tongass past Herring
Cove. Some of the load fell off the truck and was reported
by the guys at DOT ("Thanks" to you also!). Funny
thing- I don't remember the community landfill dumpsite
being out that way, but I guess he was just going out to look
at the waterfall and enjoy the scenic beauty of the Ketchikan
area, the same area tourists come to enjoy! A citation
was apparently issued for the un-secured load.
Isn't it nice that someone is working to protect your interests
in trying to keep Ketchikan cleaner? I like the community
involvement and that is why we're inviting you to get involved
with helping to make Ketchikan a little cleaner, have some fun
and get some exercise!
On April 16th the Cape Fox Corporation, the Ketchikan Gateway
Borough and some other organizations to be named later,
are sponsoring a cleanup of Revilla Road (New Ward Lake Road
for you old timers) from Ward Cove to Lake Harriet Hunt.
I know this is a big job and a lot of work but there is enough
community spirit to do it and do it well. The Girl Scouts,
Community Connections, Ketchikan Youth Court, and other community
organizations will be helping out.
Plans are not finalized but local businesses and Cape Fox Corporation are
donating merchandise and gift certificates for some "hidden
prizes". It will be a fun day to spend with
others in helping the community and maybe getting one of the
We expect more involvement from the business community and will
have more information out later.
I have mentioned this to several people and the response it "I
want to help- I"ll be there". A great can do
attitude! A Ketchikan Attitude!
Your help and participation would also be greatly appreciated.
Jerry Cegelske
Code enforcement - Ketchikan Gateway Borough
Ketchikan, AK - USA
Lawnmower along Revilla
Spent shotgun shells
Half burned pallets
Drier and tires to
be cleaned up
Shot up propane tanks
Car bumper and magazines
Shot up televisions
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