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Allegations of Misconduct: Rumors vs Facts
By Steve Corporon


March 02, 2006
Thursday PM

My apologies to the Ketchikan Daily News for posting this first at Sitnews; however, when I dropped the following letter off at their newsroom this evening I was told that, if selected for publication, the earliest it would run would be Tuesday next week.

As a parent of a Kayhi basketball player I was dismayed when I first heard about the allegations of misconduct during the recent trip to the Anchorage area. To his credit Coach Nausid called me the day after they returned, shortly after the rumors first started.

I have since discussed the investigation with Principal Ecklund on several occasions, most recently the afternoon of March 1. During that meeting, which was attended by several other parents, Principal Ecklund gave us an update on the facts as best as he had been able to discern them, his reasoning for canceling the weekend games with Metlakatla and his hopes that the Daily News article scheduled to run on March 2 would adequately relate both to the community and bring closure to the incident. I told him I supported his decision provided the facts were made public in order to dispel the many rumors that were propagating both within the school and the community.

Unfortunately after reading the Daily News article this morning I feel the facts have not been adequately made public. I have just spoken with Principal Ecklund and he does not object to my following summary of the rumors vs. facts.

Rumor No. 1: The hotel staff found a large quantity of empty containers and other evidence of drinking after the teams checked out.

Fact: Principal Ecklund and several parents all spoke with the hotel Manager and desk clerk on duty that night and NO EVIDENCE of drinking was found.

Rumor No. 2: There was a huge party going on and kids were even found passed out.

Fact: The hotel reported that the kids were very well behaved and it was a quiet night.

Rumor No. 3: The coaches weren't there most of the time.

Fact: The coaches left to rent a vehicle around 3:00 pm so they would have means to transport kids to the mall. They returned before 4:00 pm and at least one was present the rest of the evening.

Rumor No 4: All the kids had to have known what was going on.

Fact: Most of the kids didn't hear about it until after they got back when they heard the rumors, just like us.

Rumor No. 5: Most of the kids had to have been involved.

Fact: So far two players have admitted to drinking in their room.

Speculation: There were probably a few more but absent any more confessions there is no evidence.

I am not attempting to downplay this incident but merely providing the facts as they stand today. I support Principal Ecklund's decision to cancel the Metlakatla games as adequate punishment for those involved even though many, many kids who did nothing wrong were effectively punished as well. Barring any new evidence we need to put this incident behind us and focus on taking the necessary steps to reduce the chances of a similar incident in the future. You may notice I used the words "reduce the chances" rather than "prevent". If anyone has a way to 100% ensure we can prevent this from happening again then I also want to hear their ideas on getting my son to clean up his room which is a task with a similar degree of difficulty!

Steve Corporon
Ketchikan, AK - USA

About: Steve Corporon is a parent of a Kayhi basketball player.


Related News:

Games off after violation reports....
Ketchikan Daily News - Thursday - March 02, 2006 - (Subscription required)


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