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Naha Bay Residents
By Ed and Linda Purvis


March 21, 2006
Tuesday PM

Just for the record, I'd like all who read this to know that Lisa Grogan's "Voice of Naha Country" does not speak for one hundred percent of the Naha population. My wife and I reside year round on the southerly shore of Naha Bay and we are only too thankful that the Bainbridge Island, Washington based Naha Bay Preservation Coalition was not around when we purchased our three acre parcel of beach front and built our home and docks there. They probably would have objected to the way we cleared, dug, burned, built and drove pilings for our person use and would have been just one more hurtle to climb over in the bureaucratic mire of permits and regulations.

Her rhetoric sounds so noble, but in reality, the land she was so intent to "save" from development was pretty much inaccessible to the general public for years, and enjoyable to only a few. My bet is that once the new developer is finished, he will take full advantage of the beauty and surrounding assets, and his property will remain an enjoyable experience to see or visit for even more people than ever before. Investors, developers and private individuals like myself, buy and build and live in areas like Naha because of the beauty and serenity and natural assets that are here. None of us want it destroyed or negatively altered. It's not an easy task to build and live remotely. All who own and reside in the area do so by choice, knowing full well the hardships that go with it. It's a lifestyle that we choose because of the natural surroundings that are so important to us all. We would never destroy or negatively alter our own surrounding. We do not need a Bainbridge Island preservationists to protect us from ourselves.

Lisa makes it sound like the purchase of private land has somehow taken away the public opportunities of the Naha Bay and river. Public assess is maintained to trails, cabins, lakes and picnic areas including a free public dock and ramp maintained for all to use. Naha is indeed a wonderful area where wildlife abounds both on land and in the water. It's always going to be like that. Private ownership of land is a good thing, not bad. It is a personal joy and privilege to be able to own a piece of Alaska's rainforest and moreover to make our home there. I am not one who believes that once I have what I want, no one else should be allowed. Believe me there are plenty of regulations in place by Federal, State and local governments to control what one can and cannot do with their land. It won't be destroyed just because it's purchased by an individual. I support private ownership of land and development within the existing regulations. I do not support locking up more and more land, thereby taking from others the joy and privilege of choice. We too love the Naha. We invite you to come share it with us.

Ed and Linda Purvis
Naha Bay, AK - USA

About: Ed and Linda Purvis have lived in the Ketchikan area for over 25 years and in Naha Bay for the past 6 years.


Related Viewpoint:

letter Voice for Naha Country By Lisa Grogan - Bainbridge Island, WA - USA



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