![]() By Robert McRoberts March 25, 2006
I would like to give you my opinion on this expansion issue ahead of us. My comments are based on what I understand about this. What I don't understand about this and would like to know is who is pushing this expansion to grab 1.2 million dollars or what ever it is? Who ever it is seems like a greedy fool. $1.2 million is just 6 nice houses in our community. Not much when you look at the large picture of cost. Are we going take over land where we're not liked much as a community then be responsible for fire protection to Myers Chuck and emergency evacuation sites such as helicopter pads and docks? What about transportation for the tax man to keep up on development building site permits and so on? It's going to happen just as we were forced to buy all this top of the line fire protection stuff here. Plus I heard Bush was trying to do away with the timber receipts. I say we need to get rid of
the foolish people that think taking care of more is going to
cost the same for such a little prize of $1.2 million. I know
you all can come up with many more ways this is going to cost
us. This is just a foolish power trip we don't need. Robert McRoberts
About: Robert McRoberts moved to
Ketchikan at the age of 9. He has been involved with logging
and construction. He owns & operates a local business. and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Sitnews.