SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Tribute to Dick Kauffman
By Diane Gubatayao


March 06, 2007
Tuesday PM

It with mixed feelings that I learned of the passing of Dick Kauffman this past week. What a full, amazing life. I had the honor of hanging out with Mary and Dick in the early years of the development of SITNEWS. Most people would have been content to kick back and ease into retirement, but Mary and Dick chose a different path. They found a way to serve their community and work out of their home. With considerable personal financial investment and an UNBELIEVABLE amount of time devoted, they founded SITNEWS. I have discovered nothing comparable in communities here in California.

Dick was a humble, kind and intelligent man. He and Mary mentored the first PATCHWorks Youth Coordinators Chad Medel and John Whipple. They shared their skills and knowledge of website development and both those young men thrived under their tutelage. Dick and Mary always made you feel like family, and it was always a joy to be in their company.

My love, prayers and thoughts to Mary and the family. And, Dick, you'll probably develop the first website in heaven. You will be missed.

Diane Gubatayao
Davis, CA

Received March 05, 2007 - Published March 06, 2007

About: "Former Ketchikan resident and devoted follower of Sitnews"



Richard P. Kauffman, 74, founder of SitNews Passes - Richard Paul Kauffman, founder of SitNews, died at Ketchikan General Hospital at the age of 74, on Wednesday morning, February 28, 2007. - More...
Saturday - March 03, 2007




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Ketchikan, Alaska