SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


School Board Recall, Where Do I Sign?
By Karen Owings


March 29, 2007

While I appreciate the service of each school board member, I was appalled at the decision last night to terminate the superintendent. This causes me to question whether we have the right people on the school board and question the motives of certain school board members. I would encourage those members to review a tape of last night's meeting and consider doing the right thing.

I would like to thank Russell Thomas and Carl Webb for their continued commitment and professionalism, the other board members should have followed your example.

I, for one, am ready to sign a recall petition for those members who did not demonstrate the integrity and professionalism that this community deserves from it's school board.

Karen Owings
Ketchikan, AK

Received March 29, 2007 - Published March 29, 2007

About: Resident of Ketchikan for 10 years, mother of 3.


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