SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Bridge, No Bridge
By Dan Williams


March 19, 2008

This was quite entertaining reading about the bridges here in Alaska. Now it is quite OLD. People, the bridge is not going to happen, Governor Palin axed that idea. The bridge is old news. Some complain about the ferry to the airport and having to wait, and then brining in the emergency vehicles having to wait. This I know for fact that the ferry will break the schedule for emergency vehicles.

The ferry has been running with no problems for years. The only problem is those running late for the ferry. Think of this, if the bridge goes in the trip to the airport will take even longer, for it does not go directly to the airport. There are concerns of the weather closing down the ferry and the airport. The bridge has to be built so high for the cruise ships, state ferries, barges, and what ever else may need to go through, you think the wind gets going good enough to close the ferry down, think of what the wind will be doing 200 to 300 feet up over the waters alone. Granted the bridge will be even higher in some parts. I think the bridge will be shut down before the ferry would be shut down.

The biggest problem with building this bridge is that fact that we are trying to build it by an international airport. There are no other bridges by an airport that I really know of here in Alaska. Then to add to the problem building the bridge over the waterways that feed the Ketchikan area. Meaning, our businesses need this water way to be open for the supplies to be shipped in and out, our state ferry to come in and out, and most of all the business that Ketchikan area needs being the cruise ships to come in and out.

Some think we need access to the other island for development. What could be developed over there? Have you ever looked what can be developed here on Revillagigedo? There is so much land mass here that is really untouched. Think of all that money that is wasted when we start to think about that bridge to Gravina. Businesses that start up here then leave. Look at the pulp mill. That was a sad day when they closed those doors. Now the veneer plant has not done so well.

Before we start to think of another bridge and waste a lot of money for that thought, if the thought ever happens, very little of that employment will be local. Let's think of what we can do here on this island on development. The jobs can be local and the thought will not cost even close to the bridge. The access to that will not be shut down due to weather. Remember, this island has a lot of potential to offer at a far less cost then the dream bridge.

Dan Williams
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Born and rasied in Ketchikan area. Lived here my whole life. 41 years"

Received March 19, 2008 - Published March 19, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska