SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Buffett Not Good Enough
By Chris Elliott


March 17, 2009

Another ridiculous editorial in The Seattle Times. This one, Gates Foundation should open up, by Pablo Eisenberg, a senior fellow with the Georgetown Public Policy Institute, was published March 17. Mr. Eisenberg states that while the Gates Foundation will increase its giving by an additional $500 million in 2009, it would be well-advised to have an enlarged board of four to eight additional members who are not part of the Gates family or their personal advisors and retainers to assure public accountability and because the decision-making process (deciding where the money goes) requires broad perspectives, a wealth of experience and interests beyond family concerns. Warren Buffett is a member of the Gates Foundation board. There's a guy we all know is clueless.

What is Mr. Eisenberg smoking? He apparently believes Bill and Melinda Gates cannot be trusted to correctly give away their own money. This is a necessary addendum to the redistribution of wealth concept. Money should not only be taken from the rich to give to the poor, some dunderhead chosen by the government should be involved in the distribution of money given by the rich to charity. Beam me up, Scotty.

Chris Elliott
Ketchikan, AK

Received March 17, 2009 - Published March 17, 2009


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Ketchikan, Alaska