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Why are S 881 meetings being rushed through?
By Alan Stein


March 08, 2010

The Sealaska's Bill S 881 should die immediately in committee in Congress. Two weeks ago, I warned the Senate Staffer, Chuck Kleeschulte, who is conducting the S 881 dog and pony shows in Alaska, how dangerous travel conditions are on Prince of Wales this time of year. In a stampede to get this bill through Congress, Chuck Kleeshulte did the opposite.

He set up a series of meetings on short notice --- not hearings but meetings-- all over Prince of Wales. Nature is having her say now. There was a snow storm last night and today there are snow squalls. There are storm warnings up for Wen and Thurs. That means 50 mph winds. This means the planned meeting with the people most affected in the areas at Edna and Port Protection will not have their vocices heard. It may be impossible to fly in there. Chuck should plan on staying another week in Alaska until it is safe to fly into Port Protection and Edna Bay. What's the rush Chuck? Soughdoughs know you should not push the weather. Why push it?

We pray no one crashes their airplane in a snowstorm during this ill concieved trip by Chuck Kleeschulte whose schedule during spring snow season could put lives at risk

The meetings were called for the start of the halibut season when many of the opponents would be at sea. This was not an accident. Kleeschulte's rush to record public sentiment when many people cannot attend because they are commercial fishing adds to the impression this bill is being rushed through just like the Health Care Bill.

Major revision are being made to the bill but no one will have an opportunity to see the changes before they record their statements.The grass roots in Alaska is fed up with the disrespect these tactics are showing for them. They are angry and frustrated. ---Alan Stein former Director Salmon Bay Protective Association.

Alan Stein
Mendocino, CA

About: "Former Director Salmon Bay Protective Association Juneau; President of the Point Baker Association"

Received March 08, 2009 - Published March 08, 2010


Related Viewpoint:

letterS 881: A BAD HISTORY FOR A BAD BILL By Alan Stein

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