SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


By Julie Steiner


March 08, 2010

Okay! Sounds like we have some controversy along the "kids and coats" subject. Lori Headley is right: You can't force your kids to wear something they don't want to wear! You can try, however, you can also give them consequences when they disobey! But they will just leave and then take it back off! It's a battle your gonna fight until they are 18!

And regards to the kids and being outside in just a diaper: It's true - Bethany Phippen - Doctors do order a parent to take their child outside if they are running a high fever. In fact - November 2009 - just last year - the paramedics were at my sister's house because my nephew, who was 18 months old at the time, stopped breathing and was running an EXTREMLY HIGH fever. Upon arriving there, the paramedics immediatly stripped ALL of his clothes off - including his diaper - and took him directly outside for a good 5-10 minutes to try and cool him off. He was then transported to KGH for further treatment. Before leaving to go back home, the doctors at the Emergency Room told my sister that if he continued to run a high fever, to take him outside to try and cool him off. So it's true - I was there!

Julie Steiner
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Local Business Owner and Mother!"

Received March 03, 2009 - Published March 08, 2010



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska