SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Ice Rink Suggestion
By Kara Steele


March 16, 2010

I was reading Linda Beaupre's letter and wanted to say kudos! An ice rink is an EXCELLENT idea for Southeast!

Here in the Kenai/Soldotna area we have a huge Sports Center that has the big hockey rink in it. Families can go learn to skate with rental skates or your own, and that isn't where it stops. Because we are blessed with real winters here, there are numerous outdoor but covered rinks for various activities. It would give EVERYONE something to look forward too, maybe get a curling league going beings the bowling alley went belly up! In the middle of summer, you can go skating isn't that cool! Or, like they do here, it can be drained, the walls for the game pulled out and whalaa... .a huge area for concerts, expos, gun shows or car shows! Lot of good things can come of it.

If anyone with the City or Borough are interested, the name of our rink is "Soldotna Sports Center". A multi purpose area for all sorts of fun! If you agree send the mayor and the whole city and borough assemblies to find out what it would take to get one there! Good luck.... I can only see positives with something like that!

Kara Steele
Kenai, AK

About: " 41 yr resident of Alaska, most of my life spent in Ketchikan until 1997, when we moved to the Kenai Peninsula."

Received March 14, 2009 - Published March 16, 2010


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska