SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


No Students Injured as Sprinkler System Saves School


March 16, 2010

Ketchikan, Alaska - The Ketchikan Fire Department personnel responded to a report of "a fire inside the pre-school and gymnasium" at Holy Name Catholic School on Monday at 11:52 A.M. The school is located at 433 Jackson St.. Ketchikan Fire Department personnel arrived within 3 minutes of the call, confirmed a fire in a restroom, and the activation of the school's fire sprinkler system said Chief Jim Hill.

jpg The area of origin and fire damage

The area of origin and fire damage
Photo Courtesy Frank Divelbiss, Ketchikan Fire Department

According to information provided by Hill, the first 9-1-1 report of the fire came from a teacher at the school, moments later that call was followed by a call from the company that monitors the school's sprinkler system (Emergency-24). A third 9-1-1 call soon followed, also made by a teacher at Holy Name. Teachers got all the children out of the school very quickly, following the school's fire drill evacuation plan.

Ketchikan personnel confirmed the fire was in a restroom and that the sprinkler system had extinguished the fire said Hill. After making sure the fire had been extinguished, fire personnel shut down the sprinkler system and started salvage operations and water cleanup. Smoke and fire damage was limited to the bathroom where the fire originated with some water cleanup in a classroom, hallway and gymnasium. Fire damage and water cleanup are estimated at $10,000 to the school with an estimated value of $2,000,000 said Hill.

jpg The adjacent classroom

The adjacent classroom
Photo Courtesy Frank Divelbiss, Ketchikan Fire Department

The three-story building has classrooms and offices on the top floor with some classrooms and the kitchen on the lower level where the fire occurred with the gymnasium located one floor below.

Hill said, Ketchikan Fire Department responded with one fire engine, one ladder truck and five support vehicles. A total of 18 Ketchikan Fire Department personnel responded to the call. Units cleared the scene at 1:08 PM. There were no injuries to fire personnel, children or teachers. The cause of the fire was attributed to a candle in the bathroom, which ignited a soap dispenser on fire.


Source of News & Photographs:

Ketchikan Fire Department


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Ketchikan, Alaska