SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Where does the money go?
By Lewis Roger Amundson


March 31, 2011
Thursday PM

I would also like an answer on where the money goes too. I know they make good money off us otherwise they would not do what they do. I also think if you're going to come here and run a business you should live here and have an Alaska state identification. I'm not against people who work, just the ones who are greedy! They should have to tell us what is going on. Ketchikan Public Utilities (KPU) has more money than the City of Ketchikan.

And do the people who are way up on the food chain in KPU, do they live here and drink our water??? I kept all my water letters and hope things don't go wrong.

How big is your house, how many do you have, and have you ever donated money to the shelters here or to obtain any medical equipment for people? If you are part of our town/city /state these are some things you can do to stay out of the fire.

Go Eagles Club area 162! These are people helping people. Maybe you should join. You can learn something.

A hand shake only goes so far. I will be back!!!!!!!!!!

Lewis Roger Amundson
Ketchikan, AK

About: "I work and live in Ketchikan, and I pay all my bills and I know that it takes money to run any business and I also know that they supply jobs to people here which helps our community."

Received March 29, 2011 - Published March 31, 2011



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska