Gift Shop at Ketchikan Medical Center a Money Making Machine
March 16, 2012
This year was no different. Over $45,000 was awarded to eleven departments. "We had a good year in the shop," said Carolyn Wilsie, President of the Auxiliary. "Each year we give the profits back to the hospital. It's gratifying to see our hard work benefit the community like this. The hard part is deciding between the projects. There is always an unmet need but we do our best." The awards were determined at the Auxiliary Annual Meeting held on January 15th from applications sent by Medial Center department managers. Projects funded this year range from $600 microscopes for the Prince of Wales and Women's Health clinics to a $10,000 transducer for the ultrasound unit in the Imaging Department. Some of the other projects funded include tables for the Child Development Center, two bariatric chairs for the Sleep Center, a specialized recliner and a vascular probe for the Emergency Department, an audiometer for Pediatrics, and a fiberscope for the Intensive Care Unit. New Beginnings Birthing Center received funding for a gurney that is compatible with those used in the surgical suites. The projects funded also included a cryotherpy tank for Family and Internal Medicine, a thermometer and oximeter for Home Health, an oximeter for Pediatrics and a cash donation to the PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center Foundation. "We're ready for spring in the shop now," said Wilsie, "We've stocked lots of new items. We would like to keep the shop open longer if we had more volunteers." Wilsie said, "Spread the word we're looking for folks who would like to spend a few hours a week in the shop. It's really a lot of fun; especially if you're a people person. Those who wish to volunteer can stop by the shop in the hospital lobby if they're interested. We're open weekdays from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m." Wilsie was reelected President of the Auxiliary for the nineteenth year at the January meeting. Other officers elected were Margaret Lynne, Vice President; Marty West, Secretary; and Maria Carr, Treasurer.
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