By A.M. Johnson
March 06, 2013
All the communities in the power generation business would then have the option of selling excess generation during low demand periods. Instead we listen to the drum beat of fuel consuming diesel. An urgent concern building is the ability of KPU to "spread the cost of diesel usage cost over a period of time." If the last bill of some $1,500.000.00 is to be spread over 6 months, then how far out can you spread continued diesel use cost be spread for each session they are fired up?This is not a adversarial question, more it is a reflection of the utilities and SEAPA being caught by the overall increase of consumption counting on current production ability to meet the historical gentle increases. With the obviously lack of a heavy snow pack, God willing, which may yet come in March, all of SEAPA's operating area will be utilizing their individual diesel units when the lake levels are depleted. Not a happy anticipation. A summer of expensive diesel consumption will surely have Mr. Grimm's thoughts and conclusions magnified with elected bodies exposure to public inquiry. The obvious access and connection to B.C.Hydro is a valid consideration. Regards, A.M. (Al) Johnson Related:
Received March 01, 2013 - Published March 06, 2013
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