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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

North Korea's Threats
By Ken Leland


March 15, 2013
Friday PM

I agree with Mr. Moskowitz' view about protection of our country. I mark it down as swagger on their part beyond insanity.Surely they know that any attack on this country would result in immediate response. Just one of our Fleet Ballistic Missile submarines has the capability to obliterate almost any country on earth with its 24 nuclear missile each with 3 independently targeted warheads, and we have more than one submarine so equipped.

The thing that alarms me is the export of their nuclear abilities to radicals who despise those who don't agree with them and only want to force us into their twisted beliefs or kill us. 9/11 was a good example of this hatred.

Other than that tragic event there was the example where a simple truck bomb was used to murder 264 of our Marines in Beirut. Could you imagine a Nuclear Bomb in an van parked in a local garage anywhere in downtown Washington DC exploding?

It would make 9/11 seem insignificant in comparison. It would not be the only target either, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle are other possibilities as well.

This country had better wake up and pay attention to what's really going on and stop playing "nice" with our worthless "sanctions" and useless "UN resolutions" that play into the hands of the terrorists and allow them the time to complete their nefarious plans. Iran is another example that comes to mind.I fear for our country.

Ken Leland
Ketchikan, AK

About: Retired, 36 year resident of Ketchikan...

Received March 14, 2013 - Published March 15, 2013

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