SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Drug bust in school zone nets 4 in Craig


March 25, 2014
Tuesday PM

(SitNews) Craig, Alaska - The Alaska Bureau of Investigation's Southeast Alaska Cities Against Drugs (SEACAD) task force, with the assistance of the Alaska State Troopers and Alaska Wildlife Troopers from the Prince of Wales Island Post, the Craig Police Department, and the FBI served a search warrant on a residence within the Craig School zone last Tuesday morning.

Samantha Joy Bueno (age 26 of Craig) was arrested for two counts of Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance in the Third Degree for selling methamphetamine within 500 feet of a school zone.

Cathia Rose Demmert (age 26 of Craig) was arrested for one count of Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance in the Fourth Degree and for Disorderly Conduct for knowingly maintaining a dwelling where methamphetamine was stored and distributed.

Shane Kelly Fitzgerald (age 27 of Craig) was arrested for a $2,500 felony arrest warrant (original charge Petition to Revoke Probation), Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance in the Third and Fourth Degree for recklessly possessing methamphetamine within 500 feet of a school zone, Resisting Arrest, Assault 4 on a Police Officer, and Felony Probation Violation.

Belinda Nicole Stahl (age 26 of Craig) was arrested for Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance in the Third and Fourth Degrees for recklessly possessing methamphetamine within 500 feet of a school zone.

Source of News: 

Alaska Department of Public Safety

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Ketchikan, Alaska

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