More Bigfoot sightings than Dan Sullivan sightings in Ketchikan By Tom Schulz March 03, 2014
Sullivan touts this as his second-ever trip here. His “first trip” was a regularly scheduled ferry stop, which lasted a few hours, while moving to Alaska in 1997. In other words, he wants to be Alaska’s U.S. Senator and this was his first ever trip to Ketchikan. After moving to Alaska from D.C., Dan Sullivan served for a year and a half as Alaska’s Attorney General and almost three years as Department of Natural Resources Commissioner. He didn’t once visit Ketchikan while serving in those roles. Attorney General and Natural Resources Commissioner are two statewide positions dealing with topics essential to the safety and success of every single Alaskan. I don’t understand how he can claim to have faithfully served residents of Ketchikan in these positions without once visiting our community. We’re not that far from Juneau—it is easy to make a trip. We are Alaska’s fifth largest town and normally get visited by state officials. Here’s a fun fact. Until Dan’s recent visit, there were more Bigfoot sightings than Dan Sullivan sightings in Ketchikan since he was appointed by Sarah Palin as Attorney General. Our current Senate delegation understands our needs and listens to residents. Senators Murkowski and Begich fight for our priorities because they have been here, they know us, and they know what’s important to us. Sullivan doesn’t have that record. Sullivan had years as a statewide commissioner to show that he actually cared about Ketchikan and its residents, but ignored us until we became simply another stop on the campaign trail. I know we are often forgotten because our town doesn’t fall on a road system, but we deserve the same proper representation as other Alaskans. We are Ketchikaners because we love living here, not because we are one of the first stops on the ferry from Bellingham. Tom Schulz
Received February 25, 2014 - Published March 03, 2014
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