Facts of the Matter By Rob Holston March 11, 2014
Roe V Wade became the law of the land over 4 decades ago. In a majority decision commentary by Justice Harry Blakmun, he says: “If the suggestion of Personhood of the pre-born is established, the abortion rights case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life is then guaranteed specifically by the 14th Amendment.” So has anything really changed in the 4 decades since Roe V Wade. YES. Science, DNA science, Forensic Science. 1973 may as well have been the “Dark Ages” of science when it comes to the DNA and Forensic Science of today. Given the fact that the United States is within the top 4% of having the most permissive abortion policies in the world (7 out of 198) when analyzing restrictions on elective abortion based on duration of pregnancy, I submit that the US is mired in the scientific ignorance of 1973 and lags far behind many more advanced countries in recognizing the factual and eternal truth as to when human life begins. Abortion Dr. Kermit Gosnell of Philadelphia was found guilty of murder recently for ending young human lives AFTER they were delivered alive. The sad truth is, that many Americans believe it is perfectly justified to end a human life 5 minutes before it is delivered, as if at that time the baby is neither alive or human ? This absurdity brings us to the Rick Warren televised question to Barack Obama in Barack’s first bid for president, “When DOES human life begin?” Obama’s response: “That’s beyond my pay grade to answer.” In reality the answer is in every biological science textbook recently published for Jr. Hi. through University levels: AT CONCEPTION. That is science. At the moment of conception DNA is joined to create a unique human individual. At no point before or after said point does this HUMAN LIFE either become more human or more alive. It grows and is alive until its life is ended: SCIENTIFIC FACT FOR LIFE, perhaps a MORAL DILEMA FOR YOU. Remember the definition of a successful abortion? TERMINATION OF ONE LIFE. That’s right I am asking you to draw a line in the sand of logic for these individual human lives. Imagine a sandy beach 280 days long. Day one is conception. Day 280 is full term delivery. Now you play GOD. Draw your line in the sand. But please, be willing to justify why one day earlier this individual had ZERO RIGHTS in our society and the day after has full rights of membership. Thanks for considering the facts of the matter.
Rob Holston
Received March 07, 2014 - Published March 11, 2014
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