SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Protecting the unborn

By Dave Jensen


March 27, 2014
Thursday PM

To The Editor:

I was moved by Marie Zelmer's letter to stand with those that are trying to protect the life of those innocent unborn babies.

The local organizers of Forty Days For Life have invited the community to participate. They had a dinner to raise awareness. They sold all the tickets and gave all the money to help single mothers and infants in need. They have been very deliberate about not using inflammatory language or name calling. The name says it well"FOR" not "Against."

Choose life.

I am not as good at being nice so as not to offend as the organization but I do not say what I say just to be ofensive but there are 4000 abortions per day. 55,000,000 since Roe v Wade. A very small percentage of these were to save the life of the mother, the rest were murder.

Dave Jensen
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "I'm a man but I can change, if I have to. A life long Ketchikan resident"

Received March 27, 2014 - Published March 27, 2014

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Ketchikan, Alaska