RE: The idiocracy of Anti-Realists By Heather Morris March 27, 2014
I do not share your opinion. Before placing judgment please understand that I have been in the position where I needed to choose to terminate my pregnancy or carry my child as long as my body would allow. September 1, 2008, at 32 weeks pregnant, I gave birth to a 3lb 9 oz baby girl. She lived 2 hours. At 20 weeks I was informed that my daughter had 0% survival rate. She had no kidneys. Because I believe what the Bible states about murder being a sin, I chose to carry my child. I believe that to be an act of love. I didn't murder my child knowing she would never live. I allowed her to live as long as she possibly could. But that is my personal opinion. I don’t push it on to any other person. I don’t pass judgment against those who do not share my opinion. Because just as I am entitled to have my own personal opinion, so is everyone else. Before you resort to name calling you may want to consider what kind of message you are passing along. My personal opinion is abortion is murder but who am I to pass judgment on someone else? My point… keep the name calling out of your ‘opinion’ it’s not necessary. We’re not all meant to agree on everything. But to agree to disagree on some. Heather Morris
Received March 26, 2014 - Published March 27, 2014 Related Viewpoint:
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