Careful Consideration Is NeededBy Rep. Dan Ortiz March 04, 2015
I am serving on the finance subcommittees for transportation, education and fisheries, advocating for the interests of our district and the state as a whole. While the chairs of these committees have been making significant reductions to every geographic region, there is a lack of thorough and careful consideration of the impact that these proposed reductions, will have on the economies of those regions. There is the potential to seriously damage our state’s economy and job market. If the cuts are too deep they can also derail the health and well-being of Alaskans and reduce opportunities for young people. I have grave concern that reductions to the Alaska Marine Highway, the state timber sales offices, Fish and Game, libraries, public radio, and to education, will damage economic opportunities across the state. For, example Alaska has an active, sustainable timber sale program that generates 30-40 jobs in in southern Southeast alone. Closing those timber sales offices now, particularly in a time when federal timber sales have become almost non-existent, would virtually eliminate timber related jobs in our region. Instead of aiming for a specific number or overall percentage cut to spending, we must analyze and consider the reductions. Public input is key. Ketchikan residents have an opportunity to comment on Wednesday, March 4th between 3:30-5:30 at the Ketchikan LIO, in the old White Cliff building. Please join your friends and neighbors, and speak up for the programs important to you. Rep. Dan Ortiz District 36 includes includes Ketchikan, Wrangell, Metlakatla, Saxman, Hydaburg, Hyder & Loring.
Received March 02, 2015 - Published March 03, 2015 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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