SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Thank-You Coach Jodi Williams

By John and Kathy Flora


March 17, 2015
Tuesday PM

It is with deep gratitude that I send Jodi Williams coach of the K-Highlites our heartfelt thanks for being such a wonderful role model, inspiration and mentor. This is a Huge sacrifice of time and commitment by you and completely enhanced our daughters experience in growing to be her highest and best. The lessons she learned on Drill Team for four years involve working with each other, good sportsmanship, teamwork, and a bigger understanding that it takes more than one person to achieve great success.

Being a member of the K-Highlites has taken her love of dance to an exceptional level. Frankly, there are no words to truly share with you that convey adequately how much our family truly appreciates every minute of time you spent with the team.
For ten years Jodi Williams has mentored young adults in our community, and every year those teams are exceptional because she is.

Jodi, please know that your efforts are greatly appreciated and honestly, we just plain love you for them.

Thank-You Always,

John and Kathy Flora
Ketchikan, Alaska


Received March 09, 2015 - Published March 17, 2015


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Ketchikan, Alaska

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