Re: Marijuana Committee RantBy Dave Timmerman March 23, 2015
Mr Hanger --- I consider myself a non-drinker --- and by this I mean that I may have a beer or two a month on average. Ask anyone who knows me and they will confirm this. There are other individuals on the committee that also do not drink alcohol. In addition--- you obviously have not been reading the newspaper or listening to the radio on this subject as there is at least one person on the committee that is a pot smoker and several that voted yes on proposition 2. Kids read Sitnews too ---- So next time... before you resort to calling people "one-dimensional, one-sided bunch of liquid refreshers" please at least leave me out of your fact-free rant. I would hate to have to show up at your door with my 4 kids for an apology and so you could explain to them that you know nothing about their father and the kind of man he is. Dave Timmerman About: "Lived in Ketchikan for more than a couple of decades. School board member. Father of 4. Coach and believer in children."
Received March 23, 2015 - Published March 23, 2015 Related Viewpoint:
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