KETCHIKAN CHOOSES RESPECT 2015By Evelyn Erbele March 23, 2015
First City Homeless Services - Day Shelter has agreed to sponsor the Ketchikan Chooses Respect event this year. It is the hope of organizers that our community share a common vision that says we must respect everyone - the victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, the hungry, the homeless, people with disabilities, victims of bullying, people struggling with addictions and people from different religions, races or cultures. On Thursday, March 26th, at 5:30 PM the rally will begin at the Southeast Alaska Discovery Center parking lot, with a march straight up Main Street to the State Building overhang for a short program. Then we will cross the street to the First United Methodist Church social hall and convene in the Day Shelter for refreshments and fellowship. For more information, please call the Day Shelter, at 225-0888, or send a FB message to First City Homeless Services. We invite individuals, families, organizations, businesses, everybody to join us for this special celebration. Come stand with us to demonstrate that Ketchikan is a community where citizens support respect for everyone. Bring a poster from your family or organization, and gather with us on Thursday, March 26th at 5:30 PM. Respectfully, Evelyn Erbele
Received March 20, 2015 - Published March 23, 2015
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