RE: Donald TrumpBy Marvin Seibert March 22, 2016
1- the unemployment rate. She is quoting the Bureau of Labor Stats called U3. Those stats are whatever a President wants to make them. He can leave out people who have given up on looking for employment or people who have run out of un-employment benefits or he can count part time jobs. Thus that is how he comes up with the 4.9% rate. However if one uses the un-filtered U6 stats one finds that the unemployment rate is actually nationwide 10.4% and in Alaska it is 12.1%. Just because people have left the workforce which is 94,000,000 unemployed nationwide at this time is no reason not to count them. They are still unemployed. 2- As far as a strong dollar Gold is above $1200 a ounce...that is not strong. China is selling our debt they own at a record rate, if our dollar was strong they would be holding on to them. Also the prime interest rate is near 0%, that is not a strong indicator of a great economy. 3- We have a trade deficit of $500,000,000,000.00 with China and $50,000,000,000.00 with Mexico. China manipulates their currency value at a whim anytime they want. If in your household you spend more money than you take in how long do you think you would last. This is unstainable. The national debt exceeds $19,000,000,000,000.00, if the interest rates ever budge up just 1% just think how fast that figure will balloon! 4- Mexicans and other unfriendly nationals are pouring across the southern border at record rates. Why has the government keep building so many centers to house these illegals. Border agents openly now say that the Obama administration has put a halt to sending these people back and keeps scaling back the patrolling of our porous border. 5- Why does Donald Trump have to show his Tax Return's to anyone? Has he been charged by the IRS for any tax crimes. His business dealings should remain private if he has not broken any laws. Thanks you Marvin Seibert Received March 21, 2016 - Published March 22, 2016 Related Viewpoints:
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