Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Teachers and guns
By A. M. Johnson
March 11, 2018
Sunday PM
Not to belabor the issue of teachers and guns in schools, it requires intense study of options. The excerpts from the following article establishe current application of existing armed teachers and staff. It should be noted that the NRA, an organization with the true purpose of the 2nd amendment as its heart and soul, offers courses in firearm training as an option in protection of children's districts who elect to take advantage of the training.
Excerpt: "It isn't guns that are killing people, deranged criminals are. A criminal's preferred target is an unarmed victim. No one is talking about turning the teaching staff of any school into a militia. No one is talking about forcing any teacher to carry a gun. What people are talking about is not disarming teachers who are already or who could be legally licensed to carry a weapon and who have the desire to do so.
Some schools in Arkansas not only allow people with concealed carry permits to carry on school grounds, they provide training and weapons to those who would like to do so and they also organize these teachers, administrators, and support personnel into a security force prepared to react if the need arises. They also publicize this and post signs letting the would-be killers know that they won t find a soft target and instead of shooting sheep they may encounter a shepherd with the ability to put them in the cross-hairs.
And Arkansas isn't alone. In Texas 172 school districts presently arm selected teachers. Today eighteen states allow adults to carry guns with some form of school approval. Kentucky is considering a law that would establish a marshal program to help teachers get a license to carry on campus."
A. M. Johnson
Ketchikan, Alaska
About: My old age is coming at a really bad time!
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received March 09, 2018
- Published March 11, 2018
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