Trump The TerribleBy Donald Moskowitz March 24, 2018
In the past 15 months the following White House personnel have left: Stephen Bannon, Chief Strategist; Mike Dubke, Communications Director; Michael Flynn, National Security Adviser; Sebastian Gorka, White House Adviser; Hope Hicks, Communications Director; K.T. McFarland, Deputy National Security Adviser; Omarosa Manigault Newman, Director of Communications for Public Liaison; Rob Porter, Staff Secretary; Dina Powell, Deputy National Security Adviser; Reince Priebus, Chief of Staff; Anthony Scaramucci, Communications Director; Keith Schiller, Director Oval Office Operations; Sean Spicer, Press Secretary; Katie Walsh, Deputy Chief of Staff; Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Senior Director Intelligence; Tera Dahl, Deputy Chief of Staff; Derek Harvey, Middle East Adviser; Rich Higgins, Director Strategic Planning Office; Josh Raffel, Senior Communications Official; Michael Short, Senior Assistant Press Secretary; Gary Cohn, Economic Adviser. Kushner, Ivanka, and McMaster could be next. FBI Director Comey, Deputy FBI Director McCabe, and Secretary of State Tillerson were fired. This turmoil is occurring during an investigation into Russian meddling in our election; Putin threatening us with nuclear weapons; China expanding its influence in the world; North Korea developing long range nuclear missile systems; Iran fomenting war in the Middle East; Muslim terrorists attacking the Western world; and domestic shooters killing Americans with assault weapons. Trump The Terrible! Donald Moskowitz About:
Editor's Note:
Received March 22, 2018 - Published March 24, 2018 Related Viewpoint:
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