Turnbull Announces Retirement
March 27, 2019
Wednesday AM
(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - KRBD General Manager Deborah Turnbull has announced her retirement, effective March 31st.
Turnbull made the announcement to the KRBD Board of Directors during its regular meeting in February. Turnbull said she has been giving retirement serious consideration for quite some time, and now seemed like the right time to make the decision.
Deborah Turnbull
Photo courtesy KRBD Board
She plans to spend more time hiking with her dog, Otis; socializing with friends, and quilting. Turnbull intends to remain in Ketchikan and will continue to be an active and avid supporter of KRBD and public media.
Turnbull began working for KRBD in 2006 as the station's Development Director. She became the General Manager in 2012.
KRBD, Rainbird Community Broadcasting Corporation, receives part of its operating funds through a grant from the Alaska Public Broadcasting Commission.
Editing by Mary Kauffman, SitNews
Source of News:
KRBD Board
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