Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Budget and education
A. M. Johnson
March 13, 2019
Wednesday PM
Resolutions aside, the proposed Dunlevy budget pertaining to education, two points.
First point: Where was the university system prior t othe oil bonanza? Size it to that level. Re-institute local community colleges where fiscally possible. The current university system even with good days and dollars, has by some accounts been funded beyond the boundaries of fair and equable.
Second point: Seems no elected body recognizes the anticipated employment loss with unemployed wage earning families exiting the state seeking employment who will pull their children from their local schools.
Water seeks its own level. The individual school district student count will generate the same State formula funding andthe organized borough funding will retain their state mandated participation of local 100% property tax funding-plus.
The result will have the reduction of educational staff charged to population decline, not the status quo as current levels of emotional public budget retaliation reflect.
The districts WILL NOT retain the number of teachers nor the number of extra curricula activities after the projected budget adjustments have been made. There will NOT BE the students to justify the current teacher/administration employment levels and or fund much beyond the ABC's
Time to put on our "Big Boy" pants and face reality. It isn't going to become better any time soon.
A. M. Johnson
Ketchikan, Alaska
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received March 10, 2019
- Published March 13, 2019
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