"Ortiz Traveling Pre-determine Outcome Tour"By A.M. JohnsonMarch 27, 2019
Let me be bold, I am willing to bet those who begged during the recent "Ortiz Traveling Pre-determine Outcome Tour" to be taxed (I suspect most of them being educators, union members or receive state benefits) are not now voluntarily donating money to the state in lieu of an income tax. What is obvious is these folks are trying to volunteer my (you and your children's) Permanent Fund Dividend and tax me (You) so the status can remain quo. There is no more eager receptive of those pleas than "My Good Friend" Representative Ortiz, Respectfully A.M.Johnson Related News:
Editor's Note:
Received March 26, 2019 - Published March 27, 2019 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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