Beware of those proposing a state income tax.By Wiley BrooksMarch 30, 2019
If we must have a state tax, one reason among many is that I prefer a consumption tax over a tax on earned income. If there is a state tax, every household should feel it. According to published IRS data, actual income tax non-compliance (evasion) rates are above 16%. Those who don’t pay what they owe in taxes, ultimately shift the tax burden to those who properly meet their tax obligations. According to a study by Richard J. Cebula, the estimated Gross Tax Gap for the period 2017 through 2026 is on a growth path to reach $9.17 trillion by the end of the period. Let’s urge our law makers not to even think about a state income tax.
Wiley Brooks
Editor's Note:
Received March 28, 2019 - Published March 30, 2019 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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