Reject recall, Keep Gov. DunleavyBy Cynthia Henry
March 03, 2020
I am referring to the Gov. Mike Dunleavy recall initiative. Nationally and in our state, political entities who are not in power are using impeachment and recall as tools for removing officeholders for political reasons. That was not the intent of the framers of federal and state constitutions. I urge you not to sign the recall Dunleavy petition for the following reasons. The grounds cited for the Dunleavy recall are flimsy and politically driven. I followed the 2018 gubernatorial election closely. Gov. Dunleavy’s actions when he took office were completely in line with what he talked about on the campaign trail. Granted, Gov. Dunleavy’s budget cuts in his first budget were dramatic, as he attempted the balance revenues and expenditures. We all hate to have our ox gored. But as the governor knows, and we all know, there are checks and balances in the budget process. The Legislature has funding authority and can change or ignore budget items presented by the governor. Gov. Dunleavy has shown that he is open to compromise and readily listens to constituents from all parts of our state. That was very evident with last year’s compromise he worked out with the University of Alaska’s leaders. Submitting a budget with cuts to meet revenue projections is not a recall offense. To my dismay, the process of setting the amount of the Permanent Fund dividend is smack-dab in the middle of the political arena – where it should never be. For decades, Alaska governors and legislators let the statutory formula dictate the dividend amount. There was very little grumbling from residents. “It is what it is,” was what we heard on the street or in the mall. Now that the politicians are setting the amount of the dividend, we have created a monster. Gov. Dunleavy’s position is not unreasonable: The state should pay out the amount the statutory formula computes or change the formula. Submitting a budget including the statutory formula amount for the PFD is not a recall-worthy offense. Reasonable Alaskans need to have their voices heard. I see this recall effort as the beginning of a very slippery slope. I fear the establishment of precedent where some partisan groups who don’t agree with political, policy or budget priorities of a governor, will start a recall effort. Strong individuals will not step up to lead our great state if they fear bold action will result in a partisan recall effort. Leaders of both major political parties should carefully consider the enormous implications of condoning this politically motivated recall effort. Please do not go on record with your name and signature to support the recall of our governor. He won the election with more than 145,000 votes and we should respect the decision of the electorate. I don’t believe there are legitimate grounds for a recall, and neither should you. Cynthia Henry
Editor's Note:
Received March 03, 2020 - Published March 03, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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