House Bill 62By John Suter
March 09, 2020
The state should put in HB 62. HB 62 is the bill that says when a person calls in another person to the authorities and says that person has guns and you think that person could be a danger to society, then the authorities come in and takes those guns away. [Satire] When my friends and I go to buy drugs, our drug dealer has guns in his house. That means that we cannot get drugs for free. We have to pay for them. We do not like that. We want to get them for free. The way we can get drugs for free is to put in HB 62. With HB 62 in play, we can then call state authorities and turn in our drug dealer for having guns. The authorities will then be able to confiscate those guns. Once those guns are gone, we will then be able to go over to our drug dealer’s house and help ourselves with all the drugs we want. We will then be able to get drugs for free. That we like. So give drug users a break and put in HB 62. John Suter
Editor's Note:
Received March 06, 2020 - Published March 09, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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