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Thieves of the Alaska Permanent Fund
by Don Hoff Jr.


April 30, 2004

Governor Frank Murkowski and Republican Lawmakers are doing their best to swindle half of your $28 billion Alaska Permanent Fund. The thieves want to dedicate half of its proceeds to state and local governments! That is the most idiotic idea the Governor and Republicans can come up with? Stupid minds, come stupid ideas!

The State of Alaska officials are going to try to deceive you to believe that a constitutional
amendment to change the way the $28 billion in the Permanent Fund is spent to save the State and local government from being in debt. Do not believe them.

The Permanent Fund belongs to the citizens of Alaska. It is the citizens nest egg, savings
account, it pays property tax, vacations, buys clothes and food. Governor Murkowski and his Republican Guard want to take that from you. Governor Murkowski cuts down all your trees, caught all your fish, pumps out all your oil and now he wants to steal your Permanent Fund. The State of Alaska is going to try to Brain-wash you to believe it is the right thing to do. But, it is not. What about the future generations of children that will need their share of the Permanent Fund?

The most logical idea is to bring back the State income tax to balance the state's chronic budget shortfalls. Quit spending money you do not have. That is what I have to do to save money for something I want to purchase.

Alaskans need to elect a new Governor and new legislators that will oppose tapping the Permanent Fund, shooting wolves from planes, slaughtering herring in the Southeast and building projects we can not afford like a $230 million dollar bridge to no-where. This is only my own opinion.

Don Hoff Jr.
Gaanax i di Clan
Yei l hit
Taan ta Kwaan

Hixson, TN - USA


Related News:

Fund bill expected to die in Senate - SPENDING: Most senators say they oppose plan to dip into Permanent Fund.
Anchorage Daily News - April 30, 2004


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and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Sitnews.


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Ketchikan, Alaska