April 3, 2004
Quoting a news release, Self-Governance Tribes represent 51.1% of all federally recognized tribes and approximately 33% of the IHS budget is transferred and managed by Self-Governance Tribes. KIC has been an IHS Self-Governance Tribe since 1994 when KIC's first IHS Compact was negotiated with Alaska's compacting Tribes. Important issues covered at the IHS Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee meeting included an overview of the National Budget Formulation Process, a review of Fiscal Year 2005 President's Budget, and a timeline to carry forward the plan to address the formulation process of the IHS budget as it moves through Congress. The next important dates in the formulation and consultation process are April 28 and 29, 2004 when Tribal leaders plan to meet in Washington D.C. for an IHS/Tribal/Urban National Budget Work Session. Included on the draft agenda are opening remarks by Dr. Charles W. Grim who is the Director of Indian Health Services, briefings on research done on behalf of Tribes and special projects and initiatives. The group is scheduled to discuss health priorities, needs based budgets and rules based budgets. "This is the time that
it is critical for KIC to stay informed, stay involved and be
a part of the process to protect and secure health care funding
for our Tribal members," said President Rainwater-Sande.
"Each step of the process is important because you never
know when critical decisions will be made by the representatives
of the 200 plus Self-Governance Tribes within both the Indian
Health Service and the Department of Health and Human Services."
KIC has excellent experience in the field of Self-Governance
as a mature compactor in the delivery of health care to Ketchikan's
eligible clients.
Source of News Release: