![]() Chinook Salmon Quota for Southeast Alaska Slightly Higher for 2004 April 8, 2004
The Pacific Salmon Commission's Chinook Technical Committee determined that the 2004 Abundance Index for chinook salmon in Southeast Alaska is 1.83. According to the June 30, 1999, Pacific Salmon Treaty Agreement, this translates into an all-gear catch for Southeast Alaska of 373,870 treaty chinook salmon, up from last year by about 8,000 fish. Most chinook salmon produced in Alaska hatcheries are not factored into the Abundance Index, and may be caught by Alaskans in addition to the Treaty limit. The relatively high Abundance Index (1.83) is due to the continued strong returns of Chinook stocks to West Coast rivers from Oregon to Alaska. These strong returns are largely due to a recent upturn in ocean survival for most of the chinook salmon stocks covered under the Pacific Salmon Treaty. The treaty chinook salmon harvest will be allocated to the sport, the commercial troll and the commercial net fisheries according to the management plans specified by the Alaska Board of Fisheries.
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