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Sail Around Revilla on the M/V Taku


April 26, 2004

Ketchikan, AK - It's that time of year, again. The days are warmer, the grass is greener and it's the perfect time for a One­Day - Getaway around Revillagegedo Island.

On Monday, May 3, 2004, the M/V Taku will depart from the Ketchikan ferry terminal at approximately 8:30am. The trip, which will be approximately 12 hours long, will take travelers around Revilla Island through some of the most beautiful scenery in the Inside Passage ­ including famed Misty Fjord National Monument. Many consider the excursion to be one of the most glorious in the Inside Passage.

One-Day Getaways are something the Marine Highway tries to offer on a regular basis throughout the year. "When we realized the Taku would be in port from Sunday evening until Monday night, we decided this would be a good opportunity to take another day trip around Revilla," said Sharon Gaiptman, marketing manager for the System. "While a weekend is always preferable, we wanted to take advantage of the time the Taku is in Ketchikan rather than not offering the trip this year," she added.

The trip will cost $50 per person, $25 for children 2-11 and Seniors and those with disability passes will travel for $35 per person. No other discounts will apply for this special sailing, however, cabins will be available for rental and food service will be open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Plans are for the Taku to Ketchikan by 8:30pm that evening.

Tickets for "Around Revilla" have been available since April 19th at the Ketchikan terminal. Space is limited so those wishing to take the trip need to purchase tickets as soon as possible. For more information, contact the terminal at: 907-225-6182.


Source of News Release:

Alaska Marine Highway System
Web Site



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