SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska



Be positive and vote Yes!
By Mike Holman


April 07, 2006

I visited the museum recently to view the display of Paul Saari's photographs entitled Boom Town - Ketchikan in the 1950's . Saari's photographs show that the 50's were a very busy time in Ketchikan. It seems everyone was involved in building something and the town was busy taking advantage of the many opportunities made possible by the pulp mill. Improvements in "Newtown" were just a part of the construction boom which was occurring all the way from Beaver Falls to Ward Cove.

The 50's appear to have been a time of great change in Ketchikan. It looks like they were good times when everyone who wanted to work had a job. In the following decades Ketchikan continued to benefit from all the activity engendered by the pulp mill.

Just as the pulp mill was unable to sustain our economy forever the visitor industry might not be the "main base" of our economy in 30 years. Nevertheless, it has kept our economy going strong and I'm proud to be a part of it. For now, the visitor industry presents Ketchikan with an opportunity to keep people working and it should not be taken for granted as was the pulp mill.

Hopefully, 30 years from now the visitor industry will be just one of many healthy sectors contributing to our economy. Although next week it happens to be the visitor industry which needs your support, we should also keep encouraging other industries in order to create an even stronger economy. All of Ketchikan s businesses and industries, and the people who work in them, must support each other if the community is to maintain a quality school and health care system and upgrade other essential services.

Things taken for granted are soon lost. Now is not the time to vote against one industry just because you're not a part of it or would prefer to have some other. Instead, be positive and vote Yes! to keep Ketchikan busy and working hard.


Mike Holman
Ketchikan, AK - USA

About: Mike Holman writes, "I have lived in Ketchikan for 34 years. I like to build things, help people work toward common goals and change jobs from time to time. Since 1982 I have been self-employed as a gillnetter, attorney, lodge owner and tour operator. Before that I worked at the Revilla Theatre, Wingrens, Tongass Trading, KPC, ADFG, on fish packers and seiners."


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Ketchikan, Alaska