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Fancy propaganda ads will not cover the truth
By Mike Moyer


April 13, 2006
Thursday PM

I was glad to see our governor so active in negotiating a deal with the oil companies, however we must be careful not to get too excited about his discussions.

Right off the bat I was concerned with the attempt to vilify the use of an "Outside" consulting firm to gather information in this matter. Certainly the Oil Companies are more than just "Outside" firms they are "Worldwide" firms. Using all the possible information sources to make a decision worth BILLIONS of dollars is a very wise move.

At present the world production of oil has been reduced for many reasons but without question one of the main reasons is profit. Large mega corporations don't do anything by chance, or mistake and they certainly will go after product in the ground in Alaska, regardless whether our governor makes a deal with them, or they have an increased surcharge of 5% on their profits.

The governor acts as if we are dealing with a spoiled child that will throw a temper tantrum, break all his oil toys, cross his arms and stomp off in a huff if he doesn t get his way. WELL let's not forget that when the Prudhoe Bay pipeline deal was being negotiated the oil companies threatened to leave the oil in the ground if they didn't get their way. They didn't want to make ANY royalty payments but smart Alaskans held out and we're glad they did!! I'll be darned they built that pipeline after all!

The future of oil production will be based on profit, and today that profit future is in question, unless the price of oil goes up. New propulsion technologies, including the increasing sales of more fuel efficient vehicles, will drive the price of fuel up. Since less fuel will be sold to consumers, production will be decreased, and the price will go up to compensate. Less fuel plus higher prices and corporations will still make billions, for a very long time to come.

Fancy propaganda newspaper ads will not cover the truth that Alaskan oil and gas WILL be mined. We don't need to make any nice guy deals with the corporations. We should instead decide how much they should pay us for the right to mine Alaska's natural resources, and negotiate from a position of strength.

Mike Moyer
Ketchikan, AK - USA

About: Mike Moyer is a fourth generation Alaskan.

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Ketchikan, Alaska