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Treatment of School Board President
By Peter Bolling


April 05, 2007
Thursday PM

It is a standard in civilized society to treat one's guests well. If a host cannot muster the decency to do that, then they should at least treat their guests with respect. The Greater Ketchikan Chamber did neither this week to School Board President David Lieben and they should be collectively ashamed of their treatment of their guest.

I encourage everyone to read the article in the Ketchikan Daily News on April 5, 2007 regarding Mr. Lieben's presentation at the chamber lunch. Asking pointed questions of an elected official is well within the expectation of such a meeting. Expecting Mr. Lieben to provide a justification for his vote on the removal of Mr. Martin as superintendent is fine. However, Chamber member Roger Stone's comments were entirely uncivil and unprofessional, and they merit an immediate apology.

Additionally, the comments by Chamber President Skinner that the Chamber represents 70% of the community are patently ridiculous. Are their 7000 members of the Chamber? Did the community hold an election and entrust the Chamber with representing our political interests?

No doubt some apologists for the behavior of the Chamber will argue that if an elected official can't stand the heat, he should stay out of the kitchen. That would serve as a poor analogy. A better adage for the Chamber would be 'If you can't stand the mud-slinging, eat lunch elsewhere'.

Peter Bolling
Ketchikan, AK

Received April 05, 2007 - Published April 05, 2007

About: "Peter Bolling is a teacher at Ketchikan High School and remembers the rules of conduct that his parents taught him."


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