SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Penalties for dumping
By Gavin Piercy


April 18, 2007
Wednesday PM

Why doesn't the Ketchikan Borough just up the penalty for dumping? They could enact a law that would fine those unwilling to take their trash to the dump by the pound. $250 or 1 day in prison for each pound of trash dumped, rounded up to the nearest pound. Dumping could be littering anything over 1 pound. That would sure make someone reconsider tossing their 100 pound appliances on the side of the road.....

Gavin Piercy
Ketchikan, AK

Received April 18, 2007 - Published April 18, 2007

About: "Life-long Ketchikan resident and hater of trash."



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska