SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


House Resolves to Oppose Fed's Air Fuel Tax


April 25, 2007

The Alaska House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution Tuesday in opposition to federal legislation that will increase the price of aviation gas and jet fuel by fifty-cents per gallon. House Joint Resolution 18, sponsored by Rep. Kyle Johansen (R-Ketchikan), stresses Alaska's dependency on general aviation as a means of transportation, commerce, medical needs, supplies and goods. The federal legislation, known as The Next Generation Air Transportation System Financing Reform Act of 2007, or NextGen, would increase the price of aviation gas from 19.4 cents per gallon to 70 cents per gallon and aviation fuel from 20.1 cents per gallon to 70 cents per gallon.

"The NextGen legislation is not favorable to Alaskans, especially air taxi services in Ketchikan."
Rep. Kyle Johansen (R-Ketchikan)

"The NextGen legislation is not favorable to Alaskans, especially air taxi services in Ketchikan," Johansen said. "The increase in cost of aviation fuel would be detrimental to general aviation pilots and the small businesses that provide vital transportation links throughout Southeast Alaska and across the state."

The NextGen legislation also reduces congressional oversight of the Federal Aviation Administration, and creates the Air Transportation System Advisory Board to oversee actions of the FAA. This shift would reduce the influence of Congress, thereby reducing individual state's input. This action would put Alaska in a severe disadvantage because of the state's unique geography and dependence upon general aviation for basic needs.

"The loss of congressional oversight would be a burden for Alaskans," Johansen said. "The FAA would have authority to make choices that are beneficial to large airline hubs - not smaller airports like we have in Alaska. Our congressional delegation has worked hard to protect our unique situation and we support keeping that oversight."

HJR 18 has been referred to the Alaska Senate for its consideration.


Related Information:

H.R. 1356: Next Generation Air Transportation System Financing Reform Act of 2007
Full Text of Bill -- Library of Congress - Thomas

H.R. 1356: Next Generation Air Transportation System Financing Reform Act of 2007
Summary of Bill -- Library of Congress - Thomas

H.R. 1356: Library of Congress - Thomas


Source of News:

Office of Rep. Kyle Johansen


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska