SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Special Meetings???
By Robert D. Warner


April 23, 2008

Dear Sitnews Editor:

Have any of you folks been noticing how many "Special Meetings" have been called recently by the Ketchikan City Council and the Gateway Borough Assembly? It is my understanding that these "Special Meetings" are held on the public dime and taxpayers pick up the tab.

My concern is that these so called "Special Meetings" are sometimes held at odd hours and usually cover schemes and possible scams having major impacts on the community. Let's see. Last week it was that "emergency" Borough meeting to relocate administrative offices to the recently sold old Whitecliff School building. Does anyone smell something fishy?

This week, the Ketchikan City Council has its turn at a "Special Meeting" to hear, for the second time, a proposal by two Denver based firms to sell KPU's telecommunications division. Who is behind this scheme and who is responsible for calling this meeting? Why should taxpayers have to pay the bill for a "Special Meeting" to hear more of this babble? We should also consider the many meetings and secretive work sessions on building the "castle on the hill" to be a new public library.

Government business with major impacts on the public should be covered during regular meetings. We should not abuse the "special meeting" priviledge to cover such matters as listed above.

Robert D. Warner
Ketchikan, AK

Received April 23, 2008 - Published April 23, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska