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City Council and Borough Assembly: Listen to the public
By Charles Edwardson


April 30, 2008

To the citizens of Ketchikan, everyone including myself has the responsibility to vote in our public officials, and to run for public office if we think we can do a better job.

I am constantly amazed and puzzled at the city council and borough assembly members' lack of foresight and seemingly lack of judgment -- and after they win their appointment, apparently their sudden lack of the ability to think for themselves. .

Selling KPU is not a good idea and was voted down by the public, but supported by the city council,

Remodeling White Cliff was voted down by the public, but supported by the borough assembly.

These are only two examples of public officials not doing what the public wants. I'll not even go into the library or the veneer mill issues

Next time at the polls, let's either run or elect someone who has the nerve and the foresight to think of Ketchikan residents first.

And to Mr. Willis who wrote his thoughts about the upper management who wants to sell KPU and get out of Dodge City (or I should say Dawson City), you are right on the mark. Our public officials are easily swayed by staff recommendations and the staff they are listening to are not going to be here in Ketchikan long term. Those of us that plan on being here for the long haul need to be a little more selective on Election Day. And to support Jerilyn Lester's comments "enough is enough". Public officials I urge you to listen to the public.

Charles Edwardson
Ketchikan, AK


"Can not stop writing Sitnews. As I said before the podium is a waste of time. Our officials are in the habit of saying what you want to hear, but voting the way they are told to vote by their staff. This was the way it was in one organization I belonged to and when I was elected, the first thing we did as a council after many hours of contemplation was come to the realization that we the council ran the show and we fired everyone and started over. It worked."

Received April 29, 2008 - Published April 30, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska