![]() April 01, 2008
The free talking circle takes place from 4-6 p.m. on Saturday, April 12, at the Klawock Clan House, located on the Klawock-Hollis Highway across from the IGA and next to the carving house. The talking circle will be facilitated by WISEWOMAN Community Wellness Advocate Brenda Isaacs and WISE At Every Size Health Educator Marci Getz. Many women aren't happy with their bodies, and a negative body image can lead to poor health. After attending the talking circle, women will have a better understanding about how they view their bodies, will be able to list one or more positive things they like about their bodies, and they will learn how to improve their own body image. All women on Prince of Wales Island, including those not enrolled in the WISEWOMAN program, are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be available. WISE At Every Size is based on the science and principles of "Health At Every Size," which shifts the focus away from dieting and puts more emphasis on healthy eating, physical activity and body acceptance. Research has shown that the principles of "Health At Every Size" can lead to longer term health gains than weight-loss diets. Source of News:
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