SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Re: Drivers
By Alan R. McGillvray


April 23, 2009

Well by now, we should all know that there are two ways to drive on the roads and streets, around and about Ketchikan; either WAY TOO FAST, or WAY TOO SLOW.

Now driving way too fast, means you're getting to your grave that much more quickly. Driving way too slow, can mean the same thing, but at least your wheels are turning, and you are getting from A to B, even if it is too slow for those behind you. And speaking of that, there is a law on the books about the number of cars stacked up behind a slow driver; if it's over five cars you're supposed to pull over and let them pass.

But, here's a couple of things I've noticed about slow drivers, one, they have forgotten to look in their rear view mirrors to see if there is any traffic built up behind; and they also step on their brakes when approaching a turn in the road, that the recommended speed is STILL greater than that they are traveling.

One thing about living on an island with only two-lane roads, you will get there eventually, so you might as well slow down, and enjoy the trip.

Yours in safe driving,

Alan R. McGillvray
Ketchikan, AK

About: " Long-time resident of Ketchikan, and Alaska"

Received April 22, 2009 - Published April 23, 2009



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska