![]() By William H. Davis April 23, 2009
But when you personalize that opinion, and tar, with a very nasty, ugly, and viscous brush, an entire group of people, I think that becomes a matter of libel or defamation. I am referring to your characterization of myself as a racist. You did not name me but you have, by association, put me in that category. I attended the tea party on the corner of Jefferson and Tongass. My protest (the first I've ever attended) was against the sheer burden of the trillions of dollars that are being placed upon the taxpayers of the United States. We will all, for quite a long time, be paying the interest on these debts. I don't blame the President. I blame the Congress which has abrogated it's responsibilities in budgeting. Congress passed a stunningly huge debit with little discussion, review, or transparency. What should have taken months of review passed in hours. Haste and panic do not make for a good plan. You pulled out the race card at the first sign of public disenchantment. I hope (there is a familiar word, eh?) that you can restrain yourself from wearing it out. I would welcome a further discussion
of the matter, but if all you can do is call me ugly, divisive,
and untrue names, then I will gladly walk away. You are beneath
my contempt and the contempt of anyone else you have tarred.
About: " Near ten year resident of Ketchikan, Retired US Army engineer, and completely taken aback by a scurrilous attack from another writer." Received April 22, 2009 - Published April 23, 2009
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